
Eyestorm Gallery.
Paul Farrington is a designer based in Brighton. There he formed 'studio tonne' around ten years ago, which consists of Paul and two other people. The studio usually works with quite open briefs with clients varying from Plymouth Hospital to Moby.
Paul studied at Liverpool where his work became focused around interactive design, especially linked to designing software for music. This lead to work for big music labels and artists such as Moby. The 'Moby Hotel' came from a very open brief simply wanting something to promote the new Moby album over a three month period, Paul and the studio developed this into an online interactive webspace where people could learn more about Moby and his music.
He also creates his own digital and electronic based music, and then visualises it using computer software. The interactive element is created by the software, as it allows the viewer to play with making their own music using the graphics on the web page or CD, therefore the work becomes responsive to the person looking at it. For this he uses programs such as flash to create what he calls interactive 'toys'.
As well as the more digital based work studio tonne are also involved with design for print. One of the really successful pieces he showed was the logo design for eyestorm gallery. The design was really simple but did exactly what it needed to do with out any fuss or frills!
Their work ethic was to step away from the norm and look at more 'random elements' that could then be transferred to the design work. They tend not to use photography as they prefer to see what can be made from text and illustration. I think this is probably much more challenging but in the end produces some really strong interesting work. Again as with Matt Pyke I really like the idea of making the design work interactive and responsive to the viewer as it instantly forms a relationship between the two.
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