Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Patrick Young

The Patrick Young talk was particularly interesting as it gave a different perspective of working in industry compared to what we had seen before. Patrick showed how skills from being a 'designer' can be applied in many different ways to many different jobs. The work he showed us varied from skateboard designs to a promo video for Urban Splash. It was exciting to see how the role of a 'designer' can be so diverse, it is definitely something I want to learn more about, how our skills can be put to some many different uses, ones that at the moment I might not be aware of.
 Patrick graduated from Liverpool University in 1986. He initially worked as a freelance designer in both London and Liverpool. His background is primarily graphic design but he has used this in other disciplines, including architecture practices. He main base is now in Belfast.
 Patrick has worked for a variety of different companies and clients. His roles have included art director, senior creative and 'entrepreneur'. He sees how graphic
 design is changing, and many designers are becoming involved in their own projects moving more towards the name of 'graphic artists'. This was shown in his work for East skateboards, where he was involved with all aspects
from design to production and finance.
 The main things I learnt from this talk were how diverse a designer's 'talents' and 'skills' can be. There are many more options than just a 'graphic designer'. The title 'creative' in some ways seems more appropriate for a designer today. 

Cavern Walks (shopping centre, Liverpool)
Patrick was involved in the branding and promotion of the quirky centre.

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